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Updating an employee record

If you plan to make changes to your staff, we recommend making these changes before or after the survey ends so that your final survey is as accurate as possible.

An administrator or manager, if they have access control, can edit employee data. If you do not have access to update employee details, you must ask your company profile administrator for permission.

To update an employee manually:

  1.  Go to company profile / Employees
  2. Find the employee you want to update and click the three small dots in the right corner of the employee's details
  3. Click edit
  4. Find the field you wish to edit and click save changes

Important: By default, all changes are effective from now on.

To update an employees with import:

  1.  Go to company profile / Employees
  2. Click on Import
  3. Here you will find all the instructions on how to import/update your employee data

Tip: Download a template Excel sheet (found in the Import option).