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Adding new employees with a data import (CSV or XLSX)

Importing employees using Excel is a great option and saves time, especially when setting up a WoWW profile for your company for the first time.

How to use import option:

  1. Go to company profile / Employees
  2. Click on Import
  3. Here you will find all the instructions on how to import/update your employee data

Tip: Download a template Excel sheet (found in the Import option).

Correct formats:

It is very important to observe the attributes listed in the employee's profile or in the Excel template

  • Full name ( required )
  • Email ( required )
  • Gender
  • Department
  • Job role
  • Date of birth
  • Location

Important: Make sure all data is correct and unique to the individual employee.


After submission, there may be warnings or errors that appear after the upload is complete. If errors occur during recording that you cannot solve yourself, contact our support team.